

How does a housewife and artist, worn out by years of fulfilling the expectations of an over-demanding husband, cope? A Polynesian version of how there came to be a moon goddess...

Grandmothers’ Stories: Wise Woman Tales from Many Cultures
Book Cover of Grandmothers’ Stories: Wise Woman Tales from Many Cultures
Moon Tales: Myths of the Moon from Around the World
Book Cover of Moon Tales: Myths of the Moon from Around the World
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment
Audio Clips:
Performed in:

{Over the Moon: Tales of Lunar Enchantment} Part of Stories Day & Night: A Celebration of Storytelling for World Storytelling Day 2010


{Grandmothers’ Stories: Wise Woman Tales from Many Cultures} Burleigh Mutén, & Siân Bailey, Barefoot Books, Bath, 1999
{Moon Tales: Myths of the Moon from Around the World} Rina Singh & Debbie Lush, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1999