Water, Water, Everywhere!
Engaged to select specific stories and workshop activities related to the theme of World Water Day.
Forum, The Shopping Mall, Hermill Investments Pte Ltd
Client requested for several storytelling performances and workshops over a weekend creating awareness of World Water Day.
Date: 14 Mar – 15 Mar 2011
Duration: Performances of 30 mins per session and workshops of 60 mins per session
Quantity: 4 performances total and 2 workshops total
Audience Capacity: For performances open capacity and for workshops 30 participants per session
Target Audience: For performances ages 4-11 years and for workshops ages 5-10 years
Kamini and Verena shared a variety of stories and workshop activities with the element of water featured in them; i.e. ‘Tiddalick’, ‘The Rain Clap’, ‘Wide Mouthed Frog’, ‘When Hare Drank Boiling Water’, ‘How the Sea Became Salty’.