The Magic Tree


In the time of drought, the animals must find a way to quench their thirst. They know that the Magic Tree will burst into flowers and then fuit if they call out its name ... but can they remember the name of the tree?

The Name of the Tree
Book Cover of The Name of the Tree
And he ran all the way up to the mountain!
The Story Garden:
And he ran all the way up to the mountain!
Courtesy of NParks
The Story Garden:
Courtesy of NParks
The Story Garden
Pointing to the baobab trees beyond
The Story Garden:
Pointing to the baobab trees beyond
Inside the spectacular Flower Dome
The Story Garden:
Inside the spectacular Flower Dome
Wild Dog, Monkey and Tortoise
The Story Garden:
Wild Dog, Monkey and Tortoise
What is the name of the Magic Tree?
The Story Garden:
What is the name of the Magic Tree?
The Competition of the Birds
The Story Garden:
The Competition of the Birds
And all the brids flew up, up, up into the sky!
The Story Garden:
And all the brids flew up, up, up into the sky!
Eagle was the last bird left up in the sky!
The Story Garden:
Eagle was the last bird left up in the sky!
Deep inside the hollow of the banyan tree there lived a snake ...
The Story Garden:
Deep inside the hollow of the banyan tree there lived a snake ...
Did you know that elephants once had wings and could fly?
The Story Garden:
Did you know that elephants once had wings and could fly?
Story Fun!
The Eagle and The Wren
Story Fun!:
The Eagle and The Wren
Story Fun!
World Storytelling Day 2012
World Storytelling Day 2012
World Storytelling Day 2012
World Storytelling Day 2012
Once upon a time ...
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Once upon a time ...
Princess Firefly seeks a husband
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Princess Firefly seeks a husband
World Storytelling Day Logo courtesy of Mats Rhenman
World Storytelling Day 2012:
World Storytelling Day Logo courtesy of Mats Rhenman
A full house!
World Storytelling Day 2012:
A full house!
Rabbit decides to visit Aunty up on the hill ...
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Rabbit decides to visit Aunty up on the hill ...
With kind support from The Arts House
World Storytelling Day 2012:
With kind support from The Arts House
With kind support from the National Arts Council of Singapore
World Storytelling Day 2012:
With kind support from the National Arts Council of Singapore
What is the name of the magic tree?
World Storytelling Day 2012:
What is the name of the magic tree?
Little tortoise came to the rescue
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Little tortoise came to the rescue
Draw N Tell Story
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Draw N Tell Story
Audience holding up their animal props!
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Audience holding up their animal props!
The wooden puppets who took over the village!
World Storytelling Day 2012:
The wooden puppets who took over the village!
Paper cutting story ... pure magic
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Paper cutting story ... pure magic
Secrets Shared ... storytelling for adults
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Secrets Shared ... storytelling for adults
Kamini & Verena
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Kamini & Verena
World Storytelling Day 2012:
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Bani Haykal ... sound artist extraordinaire
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Bani Haykal ... sound artist extraordinaire
Stories and music
World Storytelling Day 2012:
Stories and music
A celebration of storytelling
World Storytelling Day 2012:
A celebration of storytelling
The Programmes for the day ...
World Storytelling Day 2012:
The Programmes for the day ...
Audio Clips:
Performed in:

{The Story Garden} Listen to a host of stories in the company of wise trees and be transported into another world!

{Story Fun!} Storytelling Performance for Family Audience

{World Storytelling Day 2012} Stories Day & Night: Celebrating 2012 World Storytelling Day


{The Name of the Tree} Celia Barker Lottridge, Groundwood Books , Toronto, 2001